Changing Business Problems into Solutions
Turtle Pond Resources helps small business use technology effectively to drive business results and save money.
Turtle Pond Resources helps small business use technology effectively to drive business results and save money.
We Know What You Think About Turtles
When you recall that famous turtle - hare competition, remember that the turtle won.
The turtle knew what was important; timeliness, competence, confidence. He understood the entire task in front of him.
We feel the same way about every job. What is important to us is that we both understand the problem, we agree on the
required outcome and the customer is informed all along the way. Turtles can be fast.
A few important notes about Turtle Pond
Our Mission
We truly want to serve the small business community with the
type of IT support only corporations expected up until now.
type of IT support only corporations expected up until now.
Our Promise
We will return your calls and e-mails promptly.
When we say we will meet you we will be there on time.
When we say we will meet you we will be there on time.